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Suspicious Persons, Vivion Rd and Indiana/54th area, approx. 0130
Suspicious persons walking around multible houses at approximately 0130am on the night of March 4th, Vivion Rd and Indiana/54th area. A male was seen, in a larger coat, approcahing house with a flashlight. A 2nd person drove a white van which the male in a trench coat got into. At this time, a Shoal Creek officer pulled up and witnessed the white pickup (driver still inside). The passenger walked back to the pickup and got in. They then left. According to witness Brittney Burns "We are unsure of what was occurring, but generally we have a very quiet cul-de-sac, it was suspicious for us to have an individual roaming around the homes at such an early hour and even more suspicious to have someone walking in the landscaping on the side of our home. Be diligent, keep your porch lights on, lock your doors, and don’t forget to call the non-emergent line if you notice anything out of the ordinary. It may be nothing, but better to feel safe and protected than concerned for our safety." Stay safe folks!