Clay County Commissioners Stand Firm Against KC Sanctuary City Plans

Clay County, MO
 – In a resolute stance against the controversial proposal to establish Kansas City as a sanctuary city, Clay County Commissioner Withington has joined forces with the conservatives on the Clay County Commission amplifying their unified opposition to any jurisdiction that refuses to follow state and federal law. Amidst a heated discussion at the Clay County Commission meeting, Withington highlighted a commitment to upholding the rule of law and advocating for legal immigration.

The recent deliberations at the Clay County Commission saw a robust debate on Mayor Quinton Lucas's migrant policy, with Commissioners JoAnn Lawson, spearheading an ordinance that will ban any attempt by the county to cooperate with KC's Sanctuary plan. Nolte on the other hand proposed making it a non-binding resolution instead. The resolution will emphasize that Clay is not a sanctuary jurisdiction. Commissioner Carpenter Wagner, both liberals expressed hesitation but did not oppose the resolution outright but iterated that if Mayor Q. does refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement on illegal immigration he also would share the concerns of Lawson and Nolte and support a resolution limited only to "folks that are here illegally". Wagner criticized Mayor Q Ball's attempts at "making policy thru social media" Wagner worried about KC becoming a dumping ground for other cities migrants and worried about the financial burden. Commissioner Jay Johnson expressed support for the resolution and called Mayor Q Ball "conniving".

Commissioner Withington emphasized his belief in legal immigration, asserting that entry into the country should occur through lawful ports of entry. His impassioned remarks underscored the significance of addressing immigration issues within the framework of existing state and federal laws as it becomes apparent that Lucas is inviting migrants who have been shipped to New York City and welcoming them to move to Kansas City to find jobs. Lucas shared an interview he did with Bloomberg on his social media claiming he's working with New York Mayor Eric Adams and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston to ease migration pressure on their cities. Initially, Mayor Q-Ball made no distinction between lawful migrants and illegal aliens leading to Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey has been fuming and threatening to put the cuffs on Q-Ball. Meanwhile, Northland KC Councilman Nathan Willett was busy introducing a resolution against sanctuary zones that Mayor Q-ball will shut down real fast. Clay & Platte County Commissioners Jerry Nolte and Scott Fricker have served a joint statement on KC Mayor Lucas, inviting community, city, and other metro county commissions to join the effort and oppose the political move. The truth is that Q-Ball's Plans to make KC a sanctuary city for wetbacks and terrorists migrants will find little support among the Suburban councilmen and county commissioners in Clay, Platte, and Eastern Jackson County. No doubt Mayor Q-Ball truly wants to reflect the dictates of wokeness forward-thinking that will make KC into a shiny beacon of prosperity but every single clay county commissioners, liberals included made a criticism of the Mayor.

The discussion, which delved into the complexities of immigration policy, took center stage as Commissioner Withington and his colleagues deliberated on the implications of Mayor Lucas's proposal. Expressing concerns over the potential ramifications of establishing Kansas City as a sanctuary city, Commissioner Nolte emphasized the need for a pragmatic approach that adheres to state and federal regulations while Commissioner Lawson asked whether Mayor Q-ball has any plans to make sure the migrants will vaccinated.

"This is a wedge issue that demands our attention," stated Commissioner Withington. "Both political parties have had ample opportunities to address immigration reform, yet meaningful progress remains elusive. It's time for decisive action that aligns with the principles of legality and order."

In a pivotal moment during the discussion, Commissioner Withington and Commissioner Nolte underscored their commitment to the constituents of Clay County, affirming their resolve to oppose any measures that circumvent established laws. Their united front sends a clear message of solidarity to other municipal and county governments in the region, urging them to prioritize legal compliance and responsible governance.

The contentious proposal to designate Kansas City as a sanctuary city has ignited a wave of dissent among local officials, with Commissioner Nolte highlighting the political dimensions of the issue. "As we enter an election year, it's imperative that we remain vigilant against policies that prioritize politics over the rule of law," remarked Commissioner Nolte.

The steadfast opposition from Clay County commissioners reflects a broader sentiment within the community, where concerns over the potential consequences of sanctuary city status resonate deeply. With a steadfast commitment to upholding the principles of legality and accountability, Commissioner Withington and Commissioner Nolte stand as beacons of integrity in the face of contentious political debates.

As the debate rages on, the voices of Commissioner Withington and Commissioner Nolte echo a sentiment shared by many across Clay County: a commitment to upholding the rule of law and safeguarding the integrity of our communities. In a time of uncertainty, their unwavering resolve serves as a testament to the enduring values of justice and accountability.

By Josiah Bechthold


Richard Shields said…
YEAH! for the Clay County Commissioners

Gladstone Area News