Clay County's 911 Emergency Communications Fund Facing Major Shortfall

Clay County's 911 Emergency Communications Fund is facing a major shortfall, according to the recently released audit conducted by County Auditor Vic Hurlbert. The audit revealed that the current 2% fee on landline telephones, which has been in place for over two decades, is no longer sufficient to cover the increasing costs of the county's 911 system.

The report suggests that a new financing solution is needed to ensure that the county's first responders have the necessary resources to continue providing emergency services. Fortunately, there is an option available in the law that allows the county to seek approval from voters for a $1/month subscriber fee on cell phones and other mobile devices capable of calling 911.

This proposed financing option has been met with support from Board Member of the Mid-America Regional Council, who believes that it is a logical step towards improving the infrastructure that supports first responders. The Commission has also expressed interest in exploring this option further.

The audit report, which can be found in full at, highlights the urgency of the situation and the need for swift action. The report emphasizes the importance of ensuring that the county's 911 system is adequately funded so that it can continue to provide crucial emergency services to residents.

In light of the audit's findings, it is clear that the county needs to take action to address the shortfall in the 911 Emergency Communications Fund. The proposed $1/month subscriber fee on mobile devices capable of calling 911 appears to be a promising solution that could provide the necessary resources to support the county's first responders.
