Missing Kansas City Northland Man, Roger Hunt, Found Dead


Gladstone, Missouri- Despite missing for several days, Roger Hunt, a resident of Kansas City Northland, was found dead, on Oct 7th. The search for the 61-year-old man garnered support from the community, but the lack of progress in the investigation has left his loved ones frustrated.

Roger Hunt was last physically seen on the morning of October 2, 2023, at approximately 6:20 AM when he left his workplace, the Associated Wholesale Grocers warehouse located at 5000 Kansas Ave. in KCK. He is reported to have made it back home to the North Oak/152 area around 7 AM on that same day.

His wife, who returned home at 1 PM, initially thought nothing of his absence as Roger often arrived home later than she did. However, as the hours passed without any sign of him, concern grew. A call and text messages to Roger went unanswered, and his family had not seen or heard from him either.

The situation took a concerning turn when Roger's phone was found ringing downstairs while he remained missing. Realizing that something was amiss, the family promptly contacted the police. A report was filed with the Kansas City, Missouri Police Department (KCMO) on Monday evening, and the family was instructed to contact the Missing Persons unit on Tuesday morning.

However, the family has expressed their frustration with the initial response from authorities. According to Roger's wife, the Missing Persons officer reportedly "blew her off" and stated that there was "not much they could do." It was only after concerned family members inquired with the police department in their hometown that missing person flyers were distributed.

The family's concerns grew as Roger's disappearance was highly unusual behavior for him. Friends and relatives describe him as dependable and punctual, making his sudden disappearance deeply concerning.

The community has rallied behind the Hunt family, sharing information and showing support on social media. The hashtags #FindRogerHunt and #MissingPersonKC have been circulating on platforms like Facebook and Twitter, with users urging local news stations to cover the case.

The Hunt family expressed their gratitude to the community for their support during this trying and uncertain time. They remain hopeful that their husband and family member will be found soon, and they are committed to continuing their search efforts.


Anonymous said…
Roger was found deceased Saturday 10/7 near Mosby MO. also he was 61 years old not 47.