Controversy Erupts Over Mandatory X-Rays at Platinum Dental in Gladstone


Gladstone, MO: A heated debate has arisen in Gladstone after a local resident raised concerns about Platinum Dental, located at Barry Road and North Oak, alleging a dubious practice of requiring patients to undergo annual X-rays. The controversial claim has sparked a flurry of comments and opinions from community members, with some defending the dental office's protocol while others express skepticism.

Some have warned fellow community members about what they perceive as a potential scam. According to Cross, Platinum Dental mandates annual X-rays as a prerequisite for being a patient, a policy she believes is a ploy to deplete insurance coverage and inflate bills.

This has quickly garnered attention, with numerous comments expressing divergent views. Aaron Henton, a resident from Nashua, defended the practice, stating that annual X-rays are standard in dental care. He suggested that the requirement aims to ensure a thorough examination and detect potential issues early on.

Lyne Voss of Pine Grove acknowledged the necessity of comprehensive care but argued that making X-rays mandatory may not be the ideal approach. Voss suggested that Platinum Dental could have patients sign a waiver refusing the diagnostic procedure, thus mitigating any liability concerns.

Kaitlyn Detherow from Winnwood weighed in on the discussion, asserting that mandatory annual X-rays are essential for ensuring comprehensive and appropriate care. She emphasized that imaging incurs costs, but the expenses could be considerably higher if undetected issues were to escalate.

Ginger Ward from Meadowbrook Heights echoed this sentiment, emphasizing that annual X-rays are the minimum standard of care and not a scam, with Vickie Cross reiterating her concerns about the potential risks associated with frequent X-rays.

Cindy Peterson, a dental professional with 15 years of experience, chimed in to clarify misconceptions about dental X-rays. Peterson emphasized the low radiation levels and explained that the procedure is a standard part of dental care to detect cavities and other issues.

The conversation revealed a spectrum of opinions, with some residents supporting the dental practice's approach, citing health benefits and preventive measures, while others echoed concerns about unnecessary radiation exposure and potential financial motives.

Platinum Dental has not yet responded publicly to the controversy, but the discussion serves as a reminder for residents to be informed about their rights and choices in dental care. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen whether Platinum Dental will adjust its policies in response to community feedback.
